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If you fixed up the models and modernized the graphics a bit more, this could be a hit. I've seen shittier games in the spotlight.


maybe they should just try working

this rules hard


Incredible, the song at the end is sooooooooooooooo good!!

Right? I want it.


I love dread


this reminds me of the time that i had to wait in line at centrelink. i hope that scotty has nightmares of an infinitely long queue

I have been waiting for more than 30 minutes for the game to load but no luck, Any help?

have you tried reloading the page

many times

Brilliant, I love these political satire.  Poor Scotty, when he retires how will he live on a pension of $296,000 AUD.


heartbreaking. will someone think of all the defenseless unemployed ScoMos out there 😔


I was laughing soo much while screaming, i Loved it soo much


LOLWT = Laughing out loud while terrified
Wow really good! Some feedback: Spent 7 minutes or so running around the city before finding the building entrance, but maybe the entrance didn't read to me as anything important the first time, since we don't call them the same thing in the states. The audio of the monsters are great and terrifying! I couldn't finish it, because it freaked me out too much. 4/5 stars


Short but not bad for what it is. Made a video on it.


love the game


Loved it! Fingers crossed Scotty gets the flick after this election!!

Also loved the end credits song, what an absolute banger.

Great work, would unironically love to play more of a game in this style :P


A shame I could not get the game to start :(


beautyful game


Perfect 100/100


Oh my god, this is exactly what dealing with Centrelink and their """employment services""" is like!! You struck a really nice balance between capturing how frustrating it is trying to navigate the system while still making something that is funny and cathartic for those of us stuck in it. Great work :) 


Thank you so much!! If this game can give people a laugh while they're stuck on centrelink/jobactive, I'll chalk that up as an absolute win :)


Woo, another Colestia game! I really liked it, and the song was great. 

By the way, when I try to move backwards, it spins me in a circle instead. Is that a glitch, or Scotty's arthritis kicking in?


Not completely intended haha. Walking backwards just fell pretty low down the list of things to fix. I left it in because tapping S can still be handy for backing out of tight corners. But I'll probably patch it out sometime over the next few days :)